Thursday, September 30, 2010


The children had a busy day doing different activities, for morning tea the we enjoyed scones, playing with playdough, singing lots of songs and everyone had fun outside running around.
Our new friend Okaire had lots of fun exploring Next Generation, also doing paintings playing with blocks and the wooden animals

The children enjoyed playing with the toys

Today Roman and his friends enjoyed doing some paintings

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We had fun outside, was a beautiful day. We were playing at sandpit and slide down at the slide. We were running and kicking the balls. We love the sunshine.

Zak can climb up the slide.

Wed 29/9/2010.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

what a busy day

Okaire in the swing
Danika was so busy she fell asleep

Neve is busy looking outside

Euan is busy tasting the colores

Timothy is busy juming on the mat

Zoey is busy showing of her foot

Friday, September 24, 2010

This morning the children enjoyed mat time singing and dancing, Danika, Isabelle and Owen enjoyed "Jack in the Box". We had yummy cheese scones for morning tea. Henry and Leo had a good time playing in the big tent we have downstairs they were spinning round and falling down having a good laugh together-we managed to get some action shots of the two of them-Sarah you will need to check their blog for more photos. We had more reading today the children enjoy flicking through the pages and pointing to various pictures they see. All the children are enjoying the new toys we have recieved especially the musical telephones. We hope you all have a great weekend!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Today we all had fun doing lots of things, down stairs we did lots of paintings and playing with playdough. And we did a mat time with singing and dancing and we ate toast with cheese and marmite. Today we had fun playing with Joselayne who was our reliever for the day.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This morning was raining, we were downstairs. The children were busy did the artwork. Some children were dancing to the music and riding on bikes. The babies were upstairs playing with toys and they were moving around on the floor. They had some tummy time.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It was a sunny in the morning. we went outside to play. The children loved to play in the sandpit, garden also on the grass.

We also had exciting activities going on inside such as: painting, building blocks , with continious exploring of the new toys.

Some children have individual learning time with teachers and all the children love learning together at mattime.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday 20 September 2010

We had a busy day. we went outside because it was sunny. It was great to see the sun at last so we ran around, played in the sand, climbed the slides and kicked balls on the grass. When we were inside we enjoyed doing art work. Zoey enjoyed exploring the phone, the ants and lots of new interesting things. Danika and Isabelle are becoming best mates while Scarlet likes to look after the babies. Sienna and Euan had awesome sleeps this morning and then enjoyed some peace and quiet at lunchtime while the older children slept. This has been a great day to start the week