Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday 31st March Play Ideas

Kia Ora families/whanau

Our tamariki love play dough so here is a couple of different play dough ideas if you are interested in trying . No cook Playdough with cream of tartar
Or if you don’t have cream of tartar here’s an alternative
Homemade play dough 
Also we have been revisiting balloon play with our children recently , Ruby has been making balloon animals with mum and dad at home so here are a couple of ideas Balloons and fly swats . If you don’t have fly swats , save your paper towel cardboard tubing and they can hit balloons with these. Another to hit or catch hanging balloons

Song/stories ideas : Sharon Holt has wonderful online versions on you tube of her Te Reo Sing a long books and even has ones with NZ sign added in . Our children are familiar with a number of these books
Here is link to one Kei te peke ahau ( I am jumping/I can jump) Sharon Holt Te Reo Sing along

Hei āpōpō ( See you tomorrow)

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday 30th March daily fun activities

Kia ora Families/Whanau

We hope you are all keeping well, staying safe and taking this time to enjoy some quality time with loved ones . Following on from Jes’s email this morning  The WestGlade teachers will be keeping busy blogging some fun ideas and activities each day on the daily blog that you can do with your children during your time at home, we welcome you to keep on sending in all your special photos through.

We are missing all of our families so much and cannot wait to see you all in the near future
Regards The WestGlade teachers

Here are some ideas for your Monday, enjoy

Sensory play transferring rice or water using plastic cups and bowls 

 Fun washing toys activity

 magnets on baking trays 

Scooping toys from water using serving spoon