Monday, July 12, 2010

Hi to All

A big Hi! from Blenheim. Rachel, Jes, Maddi and I have been at the New Zealand Childcare Association Conference. It’s cold, crisp, sunny and very beautiful. We have been presenting to a group of teachers. So we have been in the spotlight again. Everyone was amazed at how articulate our/your children are.

Last week was a very exciting week at Next Gen, our new outdoor equipment finally arrived and it been a very welcome addition at the over two centre. The children needed the physical challenges, especially now winter has set in and at both centres we are confined more and more to inside. Unfortunately there is a few small manufacturing issues with the equipment and these will be sorted next week.

There have been a lot of articles in the paper and on TV as a result of the budget. I have deliberately not commented, so far. I have been listening to the comments of teachers and have been waiting to hear the comments from the conference. As you can imagine, teachers are not happy about the removal of the 100% trained teachers goal in all early childhood centres. It is insulting to preschool children and to teachers who have worked to achieve parity with the rest of the education sector. I have personally spent the last 10 years working towards achieving the strategic plan of the previous government, now the National led government has wiped this, despite assurances this would not happen. All childcare centres in New Zealand are private centres, they may be owned by community groups, or be not for profit, but none are government owned. This private/public partnership between the government and private centre owners has been the catalysts to providing quality preschool education for many years, but the budget cuts to preschools will make a significant effect on the quality of education. The centre owners I have spoken to, including myself are looking at ways to reduce costs, without reducing the number of qualified teachers. I will be doing my best to do this before I launch into the inevitable fee increases. There will be a $1 a day increase for GST in October.

A quick email went out last week to the overt two centre about Danelle and Alex leaving. Danelle has been “relieving” three days a week for the last year while she completed her primary training. Danelle has a position at Willow Bank Primary School in Howick, teaching new entrants. I am sure she will be a star in her classroom, everyone will want to be in Miss Patching’s class. Danelle has always kept our wall displays looking fantastic, I can imagine how beautiful her classroom will look.
Goodluck, for your future Danelle.

Alex is off on a big O.E. and has plans to stay in England again. I am thrilled to have had Alex at Next Generation and see her complete her training. I taught with Alex’s mother before Alex was born and it has been very special for me that Alex chose our centre to work at while she completed her degree in early childhood. I am disappointed she has to go now, but excited to see her entering on another important stage of her life. Bon Voyage Alex.

We expect both Alex and Danelle to keep in touch with skype and add to our blog.

A big Congratulations to Rui on completing her Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching. I know at times it has been challenging for Rui, studying in a second language is hard enough, but in New Zealand we also expect a high knowledge of Te Reo, Rui conquered it all, what a star. Rui will now be working four days a week at babies.

Now Rui is fully qualified I have asked Pauline and Nicole to work two days each at over’s and unders, this will help with the transition from infants to childcare. I have asked Nikki, who has been on practicum at our centre, to work one day a week. Nikki is a trained primary teacher and is adding early childhood qualifications to her resume.

Mira is also joining us for three days a week. Mira is completing her ECE qualification and has had a background in IT, so what a great contribution they will make to the over two centre.

At both centres we are having so many children either turning two and moving up to childcare, or moving five and going off to school, my head can’t keep up. We have had lots of new families join us as well and I would like to extend a warm welcome to. Often it takes me a while before I meet you, I have owned Next Generation since 1991 and since I rarely open or close now, the down side of this is I am usually the last to meet the parents. I am always available to discuss anything; the quickest way to contact me is email


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